Tuesday, December 1, 2009

The Bandung Legend

It’s said that “Bandung” was derived from the word “Banding” (Sundanese) meaning to be contiguous or to be side by side. This is stated in Kamus Besar Bahasa Indonesia: Balai Pustaka (1994) as well as in Kamus Sunda-Indonesia: Pustaka Setia (1996). Some said “Bandung” was derived from the word “Bandeng” meaning to be wide. In Sundanese, “ngabandeng” means a wide puddle of water. Some other said “Bandung” was derived from the word “Bendung” meaning dam. It’s told that the Citarum Purba River located Padalarang was dammed by lava coming from Mount Tangkuban Parahu Purba. As a result, the area between Padalarang and Cicalengka, and between Mount Tangkuban Parahu Purba and Soreang was flooded and became a large lake which was later called the Bandung Lake or the Bandung Purba Lake. Based on geological research, the flood started to subside gradually in Neolithic Age (± 8000-7000 BC).
It’s told that Mount Tangkuban Parahu (upside down boat) was the reflection of unfulfilled love of a physically strong son, Sangkuriang. It was also narrated that the story of Tangkuban Parahu began long time ago when Sunda was ruled by a king whose daughter was smart and beautiful called Dayang Sumbi. Dayang Sumbi was spoiled and short temper.
Dayang Sumbi unintentionally dropped her ball of twine when she was knitting one day. She was really mad at herself for being careless and said that one who took her the twine would be her sister if she’s a woman and her husband if he’s a man. Surprisingly, a male dog took it. Somehow, the dog was a cursed god sent from above to the earth. Dayang Sumbi had to keep her words and finally married the dog named Tumang.
They, Dayang Sumbi and Tumang, lived together merrily and had a son named Sangkuriang. As he was a son of god, Sangkuriang inherited supernatural power possessed by god.
One day, Dayang Sumbi had Sangkuriang get her deer liver for a ceremony. Soon, Sangkuriang went hunting to a jungle accompanied by his dog which was his father, Tumang. They explored all over the jungle, yet they couldn’t find any deer. Having all day long explored the jungle without anything to bring home, Sangkuriang began to panic. He’s afraid his mother would get mad at him because he couldn’t bring her deer liver. In his hopelessness, Sangkuriang took his arrow, shot Tumang and got his liver. Sangkuriang soon went home with Tumang’s liver on his hand.
Dayang Sumbi, saw him in wonder when he came home without Tumang and asked him where the dog was. Sangkuriang told her that Tumang is killed by a tiger; however, Dayang Sumbi wasn’t all that easy to believe, she kept questioning about Tumang. Finally, Sangkuriang told her the truth. She completely lost her temper just after Sangkuriang told her what he’d done to Tumang that she couldn’t control of herself and hit Sangkuriang’s head with the dipper she was holding. As a result, Sangkuriang ran away from her while she could only cry regretting things were going.


Time went by; Sangkuriang grew up and turned into a very good-looking and brave man. One day, he met a really beautiful woman. Sangkuriang didn’t know that the woman was his own mother, Dayang Sumbi, as well as she didn’t that finally Sangkuriang proposed marriage to her. A day just before wedding, Dayang Sumbi just noticed that Sangkuriang was her son. When she combed Sangkuriang’s hair, she found a scar on a part of his head which she hit before Sangkuriang ran away. She was definitely surprised. She told Sangkuriang that she was his own mother and tried to cancel the marriage; howover, Sangkuriang didn’t believe her. Dayang Sumbi finally proposed Sangkuriang a requirement impossible for him to do that she could easily cancel the marriage when Sangkuriang failed to fulfill the requirement. She asked him to make her a lake and a boat which were to be accomplished before the dawn came around. With his supernatural power and being helped by genies, he started doing these two projects. He dammed up the river with logs, stones, and mud. The river got stuck and shaped a big lake. Sangkuriang, then, cut down a big tree and started to make a boat. In the meantime, Dayang Sumbi pled the gods in heaven for the sun rise sooner than ever. Her request was granted that the genies disappeared for the dawn had come around. As a result, Sangkuriang failed in fulfilling the requirement offered by Dayang Sumbi. Sangkuriang got mad at himself, and kicked the undone boat that it became upside down. He dressed down the gods that they got angered and made the earth swallow him. At that moment, Sangkuriang realized that he was wrong.
It’s said that the upside down boat gradually became a mountain which people now call it Mount Tangkuban Parahu (upside down boat).

The End


The history of Garut was marked by the dispersal of Limbangan County in 1811. Daendles dispersed Limbangan County for the coffee production seriously fell off and the county commissioner refused to plant Indigo. In February 1813, lieutenant governor Raffles issued a decree to reform Limbangan County as well as to make Suci the capital city of it. Somehow, Suci was later considered inappropriate place to be capital city.
The county commissioner, Adipati Adiwijaya (1813 – 1831), finally form a committee to find a more appropriate place to be the capital of Limbangan County.  At first, they proposed Cumurah (now it’s well-known as Kampung Pidayeuheun). It’s about 3 km to the east of Suci. However, it’s again considered to be inappropriate place because there could hardly be found freshwater. As the result they had to find another place.
They moved on westward and finally found a really good place to be the capital. It’s about 5 km away from Suci. In addition to having fertile farmland, there was a small lake streaming down to the Cimanuk River. The place laid beyond the mountain range of Mount Cikuray, Mount Papandayan, Mount Guntur, Mount Galunggung, Mount Talaga Bodas, and Mount Karacak.
The small lake was covered by thorny bush (Maranta) that the committee had to clear it. When they were doing so, one of the committee members had his hand scratched by the thorn and bled. A Dutchman who involved in the group saw this and asked, “What’s wrong with your hand?” The man whose hand was scratched said, “kakarut” (Sundanese) meaning to be scratched. The Dutchman tried to say the word kakarut and mispronounced it and he said, “gagarut.” Afterward, people called the bush Ki Garut, the lake Ci Garut as well as the place around Garut.
Adipati Adiwijaya agreed to make Garut the capital of the county. The foundation-stone was officially put on September 15, 1813.
Limbangan County was renamed Garut County by the commissioner RAA Wiratanudatar (1871 – 1915) on July 1, 1913.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Ballad of The Night

do not ever try
to say hello to high and dry.

just listen to the silence of the night.
let the wind whisper it

do not fear the darkness.
it’s just about mr. moon’s laziness.

when the cold gets up your nose,
come and lean on me close

do not let the misery
pollute our cherished night. like chemistry,
life is mystery
and it’s also temporary

do not stop our sailing,
or long for the morning
since the light of your eyes crossing
above the rim of the glass you’re holding
prevents the stars from sparkling

the season won’t ever be cracking
if the fireflies stop flaming.
that’s how—for each other—we’re caring,
daring, loving, and cherishing.

it won’t be that long.
tired cricket’s song
sounding like a gong
tells us to be strong

when we’re getting old,
I’ll be a hand to hold,
promise you can easily ford.
when we leave this strangling world,
we’ll be a story to be told

Nov 2, 2009

Saturday, October 24, 2009

Ubah Facebook Jadi Failbook

Merasa dibuat penasaran oleh Teuku Razi tentang halaman facebooknya yang berubah jadi failbook, saya mencoba bertanya sama Om google. Dan si Om yang baik memberi tahuku langkah-langkah di bawah.

Catatan sebelum melakukan langkah-langkah di bawah ini: Jangan bilang-bilang sama  Mark Zuckerberg ya..

  1. Pastikan anda memakai Firefox
  2. Kunjungilah halaman ini
  3. Kalau udah kebuka, klik tulisan dalam kotak hijau yang ada tulisan Add to Firefox
  4. Terus install
  5. Kalau sudah restart firefox
  6. Kemudian kunjungi halaman ini
  7. Kalau udah kebuka, klik tulisan dalam kotak hijau yang ada tulisan Load as user script for Greasemonkey, Chrome, and Opera users
  8. Kalau sudah, reload deh halaman facebookmu
  9. I did it, hows u? Selamat mencoba!!!

Proposal PKM-P (REVISI)

To: All of teammates

Kembali saya arsipkan proposal PKM-P (revisi) di sini.



Friday, October 16, 2009

Am I all that forgetful?

Inilah "lupa-lupa" aku minggu ini (hari dan tanggalnya udah lupa, yang pasti terjadi minggu ini) :
  1. Lupa kalau tugas sudah numpuk
  2. Lupa jemput jang Kadal (lagian gak penting banget jemput dia)
  3. Lupa bawa dompet (dalam saku cuma ada duit Rp. 1.300, gimana kalau ditilang polisi ya?)
  4. Lupa makan (penyakit lupa stadium berapa ya?)
  5. Lupa bayar Pop Mie di warung lesehan depan kampus
  6. Lupa apalagi ya? aku lupa!!!!!!!

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Pagi & Sopir Angkot

Kejadian pagi ini bener-bener membuatku benci sopir angkot. Karena ketidakdisiplinan mereka dalam berkendara, mobilku jadi korban, sisi kiri body mobilku tergores sepanjang-kurang lebih-satu meter. Arrrgggh...!!! Untung saja babeh tidak marah.Alhamdulillah!

I know, for some they are helpful, everyone needs them ; however, the way they drive makes me crazy!!!

Hugh, memang gak penting banget aku nulis semua ini. Tapi, at least aku meluapkan amarah dengan cara yang benar. Aku gak menggerutu di jalan sambil ngeluarin seisi kebun binatang kepada sopir angkot tadi pagi.

Friday, October 2, 2009

Proposal PKM-P 2010

To: All of teammates

Saya arsipkan proposal PKM-P 2010 di blog saya. Jika suatu saat anda membutuhkannya, anda bisa langsung download saja di sini

-Asep Suparman-

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Being Left Behind, Surprised in The End! (IPK Indonesia anjlok ????)

yBeberapa hari ini, aku memang ga beli koran atau nonton berita di TV. Ga tahu kenapa? yang pasti bukan karena sibuk oleh rutinitas Ramadlan (baca: emg aku orangnya males, hehe). Memang, akhir-akhir ini, aku sempat merasa muak mengikuti perkembangan di negeri ini, terutama ketika aku mendapat kabar para "binatang" yang akan berpestapora dengan anggaran uang kita sebesar Rp78,61 miliar. Alhasil, aku ketinggalan berita deh!
Hari ini,  16 September 2009, ya ± 10 menit sebelum aku mulai menulis ini, aku mengunjungi blog pribadiku, aku melirik feed dari detik.com. Eh, ternyata banyak sekali berita tentang penetapan dua pimpinan KPK, Chandra M Hamzah dan Bibit Samad Riyanto, sebagai tersangka. Terkejut donk saya (duwaarrr...!), ada apa gerangan. Aku baca deh tuh detik.com. Ya ga tahu sih?! (namanya juga ketinggalan berita) berdasarkan berita yang aku baca, aku menyimpulkan bahwa penetapan dua pimpinan KPK tersebut dikarenakan mereka mencekal Anggoro Widjojo dan Joko Tjandra--dua koruptor--ke luar negeri.  Hah?!!!! Kok bisa begini ya, koq bisa jadi tersangka (ga tahu juga tersangka apa, emg dasarnya ketinggalan berita). Konon, Chandra M Hamzah dan Bibit Samad Riyanto ditetapkan sebagai tersangka karena penyalahgunaan wewenang dalam mencekal dan mencabut pencekalan (sudah habis terkejutnya, aku anggap biasa saja deh, memang dari dulu juga yang ginian mah sudah biasa).  Pandangan pribadi saya ni ya, seharusnya tindakan pencekalan itu adalah tindakan yang benar, lho wonk Chandra M Hamzah dan Bibit Samad Riyanto mau mengamankan koruptor supaya tidak kabur ke luar negeri. Tapi malah Chandra M Hamzah dan Bibit Samad Riyanto jadi tersangka. "INSANE!" begitulah yang dikatakan Najwa Shihab melalui twitter.
Hmmm, aku ga bisa berkomentar apa-apa. Jadi mendingan aku mengutip komentar-komentar tokoh dan ahli hukum terkait penetapan tersangka dua pimpinan KPK oleh Polri yang dilansir detik.com. Dan berikut komentar mereka:
  • "Penetapan tersangka miskin bukti. Ada banyak hal yang bisa ditolak oleh pengadilan. Keterangan yang bersifat survei seperti testimoni Antasari, bukti awalnya nggak ada, Polri mempertaruhkan dirinya sendiri," kata kriminolog dari UI, Prof Dr Adrianus Meliala.
  • "Penetapan tersangka diduga adanya konflik kepentingan dari Kabareskrim Komjen Pol Susno Duadji, karena dia pernah disadap dalam kasus suap Bank Century. "Ya (copot Kabareskrim). Dia punya konflik kepentingan. Karena ponselnya disadap itu, seakan-akan dia balas dendam," ujar Koordinator Masyarakat Anti-Korupsi Indonesia (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman.
  • "Polri sebenarnya tidak punya kewenangan untuk mempersoalkan kewenangan KPK. Apa urusannya polisi urusi kewenangan KPK?" kata anggota Komisi III DPR Nursyahbani Katjasungkana. Menurut dia, kewenangan KPK dalam pencekalan bisa dipermasalahkan lewat proses praperadilan atau dibawa ke PTUN. "Pihak yang dirugikan bisa mempraparadilankan kewenangan KPK dalam pencekalan atau SK pencekalan dibawa ke PTUN. Kalau KPK tersangkut masalah penyuapan dan buktinya cukup, baru tidak apa-apa kalau diperiksa," kata Nursyahbani.
  • "Seharusnya polisi melakukan studi pustaka terlebih dulu sebelum menjerat dua pimpinan KPK dalam kasus penyalahgunaan wewenang. Kenapa pilihan polisi langsung membawa ke pengadilan? Dari segi kepatutan, kepantasan dan keperluan saya kira tidak ada itu," kata kata krimonolog Adrianus Meliala. Menurut dia,kalau masalahnya hanya soal kewenangan, seharusnya polisi bisa saja melakukan studi pustaka terlebih dulu. "Apakah KPK menyalahgunakan kewenangan, akan terbukti di studi tersebut. Dalam konteks KPK mencekal atau tidak mencekal, apakah KPK menggunakan hukumnya atau tidak, orangnya berwenang atau tidak, akan terbukti di situ," kata Adrianus.
  • "Penetapan tersangka terhadap dua pimpinan KPK terlalu terburu-buru. Penetapan tersangka terhadap pimpinan KPK terlalu prematur. Mengherankan bahwa karena pencekalan kedua orang itu (Anggoro Widjojo dan Joko Tjandra) kemudian pimpinan KPK dijadikan tersangka penyalahgunaan wewenang," kata ahli hukum dari UI Mas Ahmad Santosa. Menurut Santosa, masyarakat melihat Anggoro dan Joko adalah 2 koruptor yang merugikan negara. "Seharusnya pencekalan kedua orang itu adalah tindakan yang benar. Kok justru kemudian mereka (KPK) dikatakan menyalahgunakan wewenang. Masyarakat kan jadi bingung," kata Santosa.
  • "Pasal yang dituduhkan kepada dua pimpinan KPK terlalu sepele. Kalau saya melihat pasal yang dikenakan terlalu sepele. Itu kan bisa kesalahan profesi. Ada etika di dalamnya. Nggak sampai gitu kalau dipidanakan," kata pengamat polisi, Bambang Widodo Umar.
  • "Pasal yang dituduhkan kepada dua pimpinan KPK tidak logis. Pasal tidak logis. Ini jelas kriminalisasi terhadap kewenangan KPK," kata Wakil Koordinator ICW, Emerson Yuntho.
  • "Sangat aneh Polri mengusut kasus kewenangan KPK. Menurut saya menyedihkan, karena ini kan dalam pelaksanaan kewenangan. Saya bisa terima kalau masih ada suap, korupsi, atau membunuh. Tapi kalau tiba-tiba menjalankan kewenangan terus dijadikan tersangka, sadis sekali," ujar Direktur Pukat UGM Zainal Arifin Muchtar.
Hmm, bagaimana sikap presiden kita--yang saat berkampanye pada Pilpres 2009 mendasarkan janji pemberantasan korupsinya pada kinerja KPK-- Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono? Katanya beliau masih diam. Ga mau "ngupat" di bulan puasa mungkin ya?! Takut pahala puasanya amblas. Hehe, dari dulu juga memang begitu beliau mah!
Walaupun, penetapan tersangka dua pimpinan KPK tersebut diprediksi membuat Indeks Persepsi Korupsi (IPK) Indonesia anjlok, kita mah tidak bisa apa-apa, nonton sajalah!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Belajar Dari Tukang Benerin Pipa (Plumber)

Posting ini saya maksudkan untuk pembanding posting sebelumnya. Maksud saya, lakukan tugas anda dengan baik, jangan ujug-ujug duit. Kerja juga Belum!
Ini adalah sebuah kisah nyata yang inspiratif, di tulis oleh HERRY TJAHYONO, Corporate Culture Therapist & President The XO Way. Tulisan ini pernah pernah dimuat di harian KOMPAS, hal 7, 14 Feb 2009, dengan judul Melihat Lebih Jauh.  Sebenarnya dalam tulisan beliau terdapat dua buah cerita, namun saya lebih tertarik untuk mengutip satu cerita saja.
Alkisah, bos perusahaan otomotif terbesar di Jerman sedang pusing karena pipa keran airnya bocor, ia takut anaknya yang masih kecil terjatuh. Setelah bertanya ke sana-kemari, ditemukan seorang tukang terbaik. Melalui pembicaraan telepon, sang tukang menjanjikan dua hari lagi untuk memperbaiki pipa keran sang bos. Esoknya, sang tukang justru menelepon sang bos dan mengucapkan terima kasih. Sang bos sedikit bingung. Sang tukang menjelaskan, ia berterima kasih sebab sang bos telah mau memakai jasanya dan bersedia menunggunya sehari lagi.
Pada hari yang ditentukan, sang tukang bekerja dan bereslah tugasnya, lalu menerima upah. Dua minggu kemudian, sang tukang kembali menelepon sang bos dan menanyakan apakah keran pipa airnya beres. Namun, ia juga kembali mengucapkan terima kasih atas kesediaan sang bos memakai jasanya. Sebagai catatan, sang tukang tidak tahu bahwa kliennya itu adalah bos perusahaan otomotif terbesar di Jerman.
Cerita belum tamat. Sang bos demikian terkesan dengan sang tukang dan akhirnya merekrutnya. Tukang itu bernama Christopher L Jr dan kini menjabat GM Customer Satisfaction & Public Relation Mercedes Benz. Dalam sebuah wawancara, Christopher menjawab, ia melakukan semua itu bukan sekadar tuntutan after sales service atas jasanya sebagai plumber. Jauh lebih penting, ia selalu yakin tugas utamanya bukanlah memperbaiki pipa bocor, tetapi keselamatan dan kenyamanan orang yang memakai jasanya. Christopher melihat lebih jauh dari tugasnya.
Ada baiknya para anggota DPR belajar dari plumber ini!

Terus-terusan menonggakkan kepala, capek juga!

Capek rasanya leher ini kalau terus-terusan menonggakkan kepala ke "atas". Kelakuan para elite politik di atas memang sudah tidak masuk akal lagi. Di tengah-tengah duka beberapa saudara kita di pulau Jawa, para wakil rakyat  yang baru--yang kerja juga belum--malah mau berpesta. Biaya yang dianggarkan utntuk acara pelantikan DPR, DPD, dan DPRD pada 1 Oktober konon mencapai Rp78,61 miliar. Roy Salam, peneliti Indonesia Budget Center (IBC), mengatakan bahwa dana tersebut belum termasuk dana yang dianggarkan di sekretariat DPRD provinsi dan DPRD kabupaten/kota. Kalau semuanya dicatat, biaya pelantikan dewan di seluruh Indonesia bisa mencapai ratusan miliar.
Konyol memang! Pelantikan yang mungkin hanya menelan waktu hitungan jam saja harus menghabiskan uang rakyat yang segitu besar. Seperti yang di lansir dalam harian Media Indonesia, untuk hadir dalam pelantikan, anggota DPRD di sebuah wilayah, misalnya, harus mengenakan PIN kecil yang harganya dibanderol Rp5 juta per orang, belum lagi baju dinas yang harus diapakai anggota DPRD yang rata-rata juga mencapai Rp5 juta per orang. 
Wajar tidak sih? Apa pentingnya PIN dengan biaya semahal itu? Apa harus uang rakyat yang dipakai untuk membeli baju dinas mereka? Mendingan uang-uang itu kita pakai buat rakyat kita yang kelaparan di Yahukimo, atau korban gempa di Jawa.
Lalu dimana pembuktian komitmen untuk mengabdi kepada masyarakat seperti yang selalu mereka jual di masa kampanye kemarin, belum juga kerja sudah dimanja.
Ingat!!! Pelantikan ini tidak lebih dari sebuah seremoni untuk pengambilan sumpah. itu juga kalau sumpahnya beneran. Lihat saja kinerja jeblok para wakil rakyat hasil pemilu 2004. Beberapa orang dari mereka berpindah kantor dari senayan ke penjara. Itu pun yang ketahuan dan diproses oleh hukum, yang tidak ketahuan dan tidak diproses oleh hukum lebih banyak lagi. Contohnya, kasus cek perjalanan yang diungkap Agus Condro sampai hari ini tak tahu bagaimana ujungnya.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Lutung Kasarung

Once upon a time, there lived a just and wise king named Prabu Tapa Agung. He ruled Pasir Batang. He was blessed with seven daughters. They were Purbararang, Purbadewata, Purbaendah, Purbakancana, Purbamanik, Purbaleuih, and Purbasari, respectively. The most beautiful and kind-hearted was Purbasari. She was a ducky of all people in The Pasir Batang Kingdom.
Purbararang was engaged to Raden Indrajaya, a son of a royal minister. They were to whom Prabu Tapa Agung should’ve given up the monarchy; however, even he had been advanced in years, and it was the right time for him to abdicate. He was not convinced yet to let them rule the monarchy since neither one of them could be trusted. 
The sovereign felt Purbararang was a far cry from what he had expected to be a monarch. She was arrogant and cruel, while Indrajaya was dandified. He tended to care about his dress and jewelry more than the tranquility and prosperity for people. 
Facing that sort of thing, Prabu Tapa Agung often showed pensive sadness. And his queen did as well. They often talked it over, but no way-out could be figured out. However, presumably the king’s worry and confusion had been discovered by Sunan Ambu who resided in heaven called Buana Pada. One night, when he slept, Sunan Ambu said in his dream, “O, the wise king, no need to worry. It’s time for you to leave the throne to your youngest daughter, Purbasari. Do what you want to be hermit.” When he was up, all his worry disappeared. The counseling coming from heaven did relieve him and the queen. 
The day after, the sovereign had his seven daughters, his loyal councilman named Uwak Batara Lengser, prime minister, all members of cabinet minister, and other royal eminent figures get gathered. He announced Sunan Ambu’s notice from heaven that it’s time for him to abdicate and leave the throne to Princess Purbasari. All royal members heard the news joyfully, but Purbararang and Indrajaya. They got upset and were up to something to take over the throne from Purbasari. 
After Prabu Tapa Agung and his queen left the palace, Purbararang sprayed boreh, black chemical substance taken from plants, on Purbasari’s body and face. As a result, Purbasari looked dark and dull, and people in Pasir Batang couldn’t recognize her anymore. That was why no one could help her when she was sent away from the palace. On the other hand, ones who knew that the dull and dark woman was Purbasari were not brave to help her. They’re afraid of Purbararang who was famous for her cruelness. Even Uwak Batara Lengser couldn’t prevent what Purbararang had been doing. When Purbararang made him take Purbasari to the jungle, he did it. But, having arrived in the jungle, he made her a strong shelter. He also advised her politely, “My princess, be patient! Take the advantage of this ostracism to meditate to wish help and mercies from those who reside in heaven.”  His advice relieved her. She agreed to meditate. He promised her that he’d be frequently coming to visit and provide her logistics. 
While the Purbasari ostracism was happening on the earth called Buana Panca, something else’s happening in Buana Pada. For days Sunan Ambu had been worried because she hadn’t seen her son, Guruminda. Then she had the heaven dwellers find him. Soon a poet came and reported that Guruminda was by Eden. He added that Guruminda showed pensive sadness. Sunan Ambu requested the servant to tell Guruminda in order to come to her. Quite long, Guruminda didn’t come to see her that she reordered him to see her. Finally, he appeared. Yet, he didn’t act like he used to. He always bowed his head as if he was shy of his mother; however, he took a glance at her in her ignorance. 
She questioned him to see what had been going on. But, he didn’t give any answer. Soon she realized what had been happening to her son. She said, “I realize you’re 17. Is there any angel charming you? Let me know who she is, I’ll meet you to her.” Guruminda finally said something, even very slowly. “I don’t want you to meet me any angel, but she’s as beautiful as you are.” She’s surprised by what his son said. She said, “Guruminda, there’s no a girl who looks like me in Buana Pada, she’s on Buana Panca Tengah. Go get her, but not as Guruminda. You have to be lutung[1] in disguise.” 
Afterward, Guruminda turned into a lutung. “My son, please go to Buana Panca Tengah, my love will always be with you. Now, your name is Lutung Kasarung.” said Sunan Ambu. Guruminda was so surprised and sad when he became a lutung. He thought he’d been cursed by his mother because of his insolence. He could only bow his head. “Go, my son. The girl is waiting for you and needing your help.” said Sunan Ambu. Then he left Buana Pada. He jumped from one cloud to another till he landed on Buana Panca. He started to find the girl that his mother meant. 

In Pasir Batang, Purbararang made Aki panyumpit catch a lutung to be sacrificed in a ceremony. “Aki, you have to catch a lutung this noon; otherwise, you’ll be the sacrifice.” said Purbararang. Being so much worried, Aki Panyumpit hurried to a jungle, yet he couldn’t find any animal. Lutung Kasarung had told all animals in the jungle to hide themselves just before Aki Panyumpit came in. 
Realizing he would be sacrificed, Aki Panyumpit sat under a tree in desperate. At that time, Lutung Kasarung showed up that Aki Panyumpit hastily grabbed his sumpit[2] and tried to shoot him. “Don’t hurt me!” said Lutung kasarung. Aki Panyumpit was surprised to see a lutung talking. “Why do you look so sad?” he continued. Aki Panyumpit told Lutung Kasarung what he had been through. “Bring me to your queen, then!” said Lutung Kasarung. Surprisingly, Aki Panyumpit didn’t agree with him. “No, I won’t. I don’t want you to be sacrificed!” he said. Lutung Kasarung hardly tried to convince him. “Don’t worry, get me to the palace!” he said. “Alright, then!” Aki Panyumpit replied. Then, they went to Pasir Batang. 
Having arrived in the palace, the soldiers tied Lutung Kasaruung and now were ready to kill him. Purbararang, Indrajaya, and all eminent royal members were there. The five princesses, Purbararang’s sisters were as well. A spiritual leader led the ceremony. He started reciting prayers. At the same time, a soldier with a sharp knife on his hand was ready to execute him. He held Lutung Kasarung’s head. And suddenly, Lutung Kasarung squirmed. Ropes tying him up were slowly broken off, and he freed. Then he messed the ceremony chaotically. The soldiers tried to put him down, but no one could. Everybody screamed in fear. Purbararang lost her temper, and shouted, “Kill him!” Some soldiers surrounded him again. Lutung Kasarung attacked them that they ran away hither and thither. 
Uwak Batara Lengser got closer to him, and said, “Come here, lutung. Don’t make everyone frightened!” surprisingly he didn’t react as he did to the soldiers. He sat in front of Uwak Batara Lengser. Purbararang saw the phenomenon from the distance, and then she’s up to something. She thought she would use the wild lutung to kill Purbasari. She told Uwak Batara Lengser to send him to the jungle where Purbarsari was. Uwak Batara Lengser did know what’s on Purbararang’s mind; however, he saw something good in Lutung Kasarung. He didn’t think Lutung Kasarung would hurt Purbasari. That was why he gave him his hand, and guided him to the jungle where she belonged. 
Having arrived in the jungle, Lutung Kasarung saw an ugly girl. “That’s Princess Purbasari. She’s a nice girl, you have to take care of her!” said Uwak Batara Lengser. “Yes!” he replied. Uwak Batara Lengser and Purbasari looked at him talking astonishingly. And then Uwak Batara Lengser said “May you’re sent from above to bring the virtue for all of us!” 
After Uwak Batara Lengser left, Lutung Kasarung asked the animals in the jungle to collect fruits and flowers for Purbasari. She’s very happy for that. She’s not in solitude anymore. Not only Lutung Kasarung, but also the other animals like birds, squirrel, and deer were around her shelter. 
When the night came around, Lutung Kasarung begged his mother’s help that she told magical poets to go to Buana Panca and help her son. Soon they arrived in the jungle. Lutung Kasarung had them make a bathroom for Purbasari. Some poets made a bathroom called Jamban Salaka, place where Purbasari could take a bath. The tap was made from gold, the floor and the wall from marble. The water came from clear wellhead and was retained in a small body of water where flowers were poured on it. Some other poets got dress ready for Purbasari. It was made from cloud and colors from rainbows. No dress was as beautiful as it was on earth. 
The day after, Purbasari saw Jamban Salaka and the dress in surprise. “They are gift for you from Buana Pada!” said Lutung Kasarung. “And you, yourself, are gift from Buana Pada to me, Lutung” she replied. Then she came into Jamban Salaka. 
The water at Jamban Salaka had a magical power. When she took a bath, she turned back into what she looked like before Purbararang sprayed her boreh. She thanked to heaven for the blessing. Afterward, she wore the dress. She was so much impressed by the beauty of it, and then she came out of Jamban Salaka. Lutung Kasarung was impressed to see her. In his mind, he said, “Princess Purbasari, you so much look like my mother, you’re merely younger!” 

Purbararang heard strange news. People who customarily went hunting to the jungle talked much about the jungle that turned into wonderful parkland, about an ugly girl’s shelter that turned into small palace with a beautiful bathroom, and about a scary huge lutung that prevented them coming into the parkland mentioned. Purbararang thought there were some noblemen that helped Purbasari in her ignorance. She said in her mind, “if Purbasari is supposed open huma[3] of 500 fathoms in a day, she won’t make it. There won’t be any noblemen who are brave to help her, while I can easily make my soldiers clear thousands of fathoms. I have to challenge her!” 
Purbararang finally sent Uwak Batara Lengser to challenge Purbasari. She had to open huma of 500 fathoms before the dawn; otherwise, she would get death sentence. Purbasari was in tears when she heard from Uwak Batara Lengser. “Don’t worry, my princess! Plesase come into your palace and leave this to me” said Lutung Kasarung. 
Afterward, Lutung Kasarung asked his mother’s help. Sunan Ambu sent forty poets to help him clear the landmass which was near by the place where Purbasari was. Meanwhile, Purbararang made a hundred of soldiers clear a landmass in the jungle which was near by the place where Purbasari belonged as well. They had to make it before dawn, or they would get death sentence. Being so much worried, they hurried to the jungle. 
The day after, when the sun came up, Purbarang went to the jungle in a large group. She sat on a luxurious litter, while her fiancé, Indrajaya rode a horse. The five princesses, some noblemen hundreds of soldiers and a executioner were in the group. Purbararang was convinced that it would be the last day for her youngest sister, Purbasari. However, she and her group were shocked when they arrived in the huma the soldiers opened. They saw another huma, and even better than the huma the soldiers opened.  There stood Uwak Batara Lengser. “My queen, this is Purbasari’s huma!” he said. Purbararng was so much disappointed, embarrassed, upset, and then shouted; “Now I want Purbasari to contest her beauty with me, and you, people, are the judges!” She thought Purbasari was still ugly. 
Uwak Batara Lengser asked Purbasari to come out of her small palace, and when she showed up, everyone was dazzled by her bright appearance. “As if I saw Sunan Ambu on earth” said a nobleman. Purbararang didn’t lose her grip. She just realized that she had a slim waist. She shouted, “Everyone, look at this, the belt I’m wearing. I have five holes left. I want Purbasari to wear it, and if she has less then five holes left, she’ll be death sentenced! Purbararang threw her belt to Purbasari, and surprisingly, Purbasari had seven holes left when she wore it. Purbararang got so much embarrassed, but she shouted again, “I have one more contest!” She was now sure she would win, and then she laughed out loud. Everyone looked at her in astonishment. “What contest, sister?” one of her sister asked. Purbararang smiled. “Look! You all have to compare which one of our would-be husbands is the best-looking. Look at my fiancé, Indrajaya! What do you think? Is he handsome? Everyone answered, “He is!” Purbarang was not satisfied, she shouted, “Louder!!!” 
“He really is, my queen!” Everyone shouted louder than ever. “So, who is your would-be husband, Purbasari?” Purbararang asked. “Your would-be husband is no one but that lutung!” She continued, than laughed out loud. Purbasari was so silent, she couldn’t give any answer. She stared at Lutung Kasarung. “Yes, you will be my husband, lutung!” 
Suddenly, Lutung Kasarung turned back into Guruminda. Everyone was impressed by the way he looked. He held Purbasari’s hand and said, “Listen, everyone! Now I’m Purbasari’s would-be husband, and she is your queen. Purbararang took over the throne from her, and you, Indrajaya, as Purbararang’s would-be husband, you must be at her side. So, let’s fight, Indrajaya!” 
Astonishingly, Indrajaya didn’t want to have fight against Guruminda, he got down his knees and begged Guruminda’s mercy, instead. Purbararang cried and begged Purbasari’s forgiveness. She and her fiancé finally gave up. 
At that day, Purbasari took back her throne. Purbararang and Indrajaya were punished to be cleaning woman and man. People in Pasir Batang relieved. They were now free from Purbararang’s pressure. They could live as they did in Prabu Tapa Agung’s time. 
Being helped by Guruminda, Purbasari ruled the Pasir Batang Kindom. She was very wise, and people got their prosperity.

The End

[1] black or gray long-tailed monkey
[2] blowpipe
[3] Newly cleared land for agriculture.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Hujan Terlanjur Tumpah



- Untuk Wiwit

aku ingin pergi ke rumah itu; katamu
malu-malu. mungkin kau lupa
aku bukan anak kecil lagi
lebih dari 286 purnama kulewati

pergilah! tak usah kau berkelakar

sekalipun begitu indah kau membungkus
hujan. bagiku, seribu nyanyian
tak’kan mampu menghibur luka

wit, tetaplah jadi kupu-kupu indah
yang bertualang di taman cinta

biarlah aku disibukkan mimpi-mimpi
yang selalu aku bisikan pada angin
yang menerpa tubuh kita dalam
perjalan unpas-ciparay
karena tanah terlanjur basah

Kasur Lamunan, Juni 08

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Perjalanan Seperempat Abad

        - n-25 = ajalku

dentang jam tengah malam
menggenapkan pengembaraan seperempat abad
semenjak tangisku disambut
lantunan adzan. aku terbangun
"sudah jam 12" bisikku pada guling

malam berlabuh di kamarku penuh kesepian
tak ada nyanyian. seperti biasa
seperti tahun-tahun sebelumnya
hanya dua pohon mangga dan jambu di halaman
yang bertepuk tangan. pun itu atas saran angin
lalu seekor nyamuk letih sehabis bertasbih
hinggap di lengan kiriku. "aku haus,
izinkan aku mereguk sedikit darahmu" pinta
seekor nyamuk. "jangan!" teriakku
"darahku kotor, di dalamnya mengalir tangis
seorang yatim yang rotinya aku makan kemarin
pagi" sambungku, lirih. dan aku menangis
untuk berbagai kekalahanku di medan laga

di atas sajadah, kurayakan
malam. padaNya aku bersimpuh
lalu membangun sujud. sementara
ucapan selamat lewat sms, juga
wallpost situs jejaring facebook
datang berulang-ulang
bak panggilan dari liang lahat

Kasur Lamunan, 010909

Friday, August 21, 2009

Ga Tidur Euy

Hah.. ngoprek blog semalaman ga ngerti-ngerti. Mata udah perih kaya gini. Mana harus bawa motor Cimahi-Cicalengka lagi. Besok teh puasa. Berarti ntar malam tarawih pertama. Tidur ah.....

tapi ini perut sakit juga. Kayakna pengen diisi

Hah, duitna juga pas-pasan gini

dan ini tulisan yang paling ga penting yang aku tulis di blog ini.

bae ah..
tonk aya nu mere komen!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Siapa yang bikin, siapa yang lupa? Lalu siapa yang bodoh?

Suatu kejadian yang benar-benar konyol. Ketika lagu kebangsaan Indonesia Raya tidak terdengar di pembukaan masa sidang DPR sekaligus pidato Presiden RI menyambut Kemerdekaan RI.
Bagaimana tidak konyol dan aneh? Coba anda cermati isi UU no.24 tahun 2009, bab V, bagian kedua pasal 59,
(1) Lagu Kebangsaan wajib diperdengarkan dan/atau dinyanyikan:
a. untuk menghormati Presiden dan/atau Wakil Presiden;
b. untuk menghormati Bendera Negara pada waktu pengibaran atau penurunan Bendera Negara yang diadakan dalam upacara;
c. dalam acara resmi yang diselenggarakan oleh pemerintah;
d. dalam acara pembukaan sidang paripurna Majelis Permusyawaratan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat Daerah dan Dewan Perwakilan Daerah;
e. untuk menghormati kepala negara atau kepala pemerintahan negara sahabat dalam kunjungan resmi;
f. dalam acara atau kegiatan olahraga internasional; dan
g. dalam acara ataupun kompetisi ilmu pengetahuan, teknologi, dan seni internasional yang diselenggarakan di Indonesia.

Sang pemimpin sidang yang notabene adalah ketua DPR, yth. Bapak Agung Laksono mungkin lupa sama UU yang beliau dan kawan-kawannya ciptakan. Huh.. Aneh bin heran!

Gak heran kalau rakyat kita buta alias gak mengenal UU yang berlaku di negaranya sendiri. Lo wong legislatornya juga lupa sama UU yang mereka buat. Hahahahaha....

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Ulat Bantal


ulat bantal
berusaha mengenal
teriak Bilal.


erat, bak

selimut shubuh

Kasur Lamunan, Agustus 09

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Ga Bisa Bedain Mana Pejabat & Mana Penjahat

Dulu, saya sangat memuji kinerja KPK yang menciduk beberapa badut-badut senayan. Bahkan walaupun Sang Ketua, Antasari Azhar masuk penjara, saya tetap berharap besar sama KPK karena saya yakin Antasari Azhar hanya korban kebiadaban system. Tapi, sekarang, semenjak beredarnya testimoni beliau, kasusnya menjadi semakin gak jelas bagi saya. Sang ketua non-aktif akhirnya jadi musuh anak buahnya sendiri. Bingung, bingung, bingung... nasib orang awam dari dulu tetap saja begini!

Balada Cuai

pagi basah,
aku menyerah
bisu pasrah
bagai sampah

tanpa serapah,
aku serah
pada Allah
yang disembah

hanya terkujur
di atas kasur
sambil menutur
Zat yang luhur

merak[1] kabur
tanpa catur
melukis bilur
hatiku hancur

tonggak mahligai
telah dia ungkai,
tiang balai
pun cerai berai

cita tersemai
simpang setai,
balada cuai
kini usai

Kasur lamunan, 070809

[1] WS Rendra

Friday, August 7, 2009

Warisan Sang Burung Merak

Burung Merak, begitu lah orang memanggilnya. Walaupun saya kurang begitu familiar dengan karya-karyanya, namun nama besarnya sampai ke gendang telingaku. Sastrawan yang lahir dengan nama Willibrordus Surendra Broto Rendra ini akhirnya meninggalkan kita semua.

Bagiku beliau, WS Rendra telah memberikan warisan yang sengaja atau pun tidak Ia wariskan kepada kita. Warisan yang saya maksud bukan hanya karya-karyanya saja. Bagi saya ada satu warisan lain yang tak kalah berharganya. Apakah itu? "MAHALNYA SEBUAH GAGASAN". Itu lah pelajaran dan warisan yang saya terima. Bagaimana tidak, demi memperjuangkan gagasannya, WS Rendra pernah merasakan bagaimana dinginnya penjara. Itu adalah sebuah pengorbanan untuk gagasannya. Seperti yang dilansir detiknews.com, karya-karyanya yang berbau protes pada masa aksi para mahasiswa sangat aktif di tahun 1978, membuat beliau ditahan oleh pemerintah berkuasa saat itu.

Mungkin Rendra hanya salah satu dari sekian banyak pejuang gagasan seperti Hamzah Al-Fansuri, Husain Ibn Mansur Al-Hallaj yang keduanya menerima hukuman mati karena faham wahdatul wujudnya. Tapi, momentum dimana saya sadar akan mahalnya sebuah gagasan adalah tepat di hari meninggalnya beliau.

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Marhaban Ya Ramadlan

Rasul SAW bersabda "Barang siapa yang merasa bahagia akan datangnya bulan Ramadlan, maka Allah SWT mengharamkan jasadnya masuk neraka". (Durrotun Nasihin: 7)

Terima kasih ya Allah, semoga rasa bahagia ini bukan lah rasa bahagia yang sayabuat-buat hanya karena ingin termasuk ke dalam orang-orang yang dimaksud oleh hadist tersebut di atas.

Atmosphere Ramadlan memang sudah begitu terasa, harumnya sudah tercium. Semerbak...

اللهم برك لنا فى رجب و شعبنا اللهم برك لنا و بلغنا رمضان, Amiin...

Seandainya saja setiap bulan adalah bulan Ramadlan, alangkah...
bagaimana tidak, beribu bahkan berjuta bahkan tak terhingga jumlah keutamaannya.

Dalam satu hadist dikatakan bahwa pada permulaan malam bulan Ramadlan Allah SWT bersabda: "Barang siapa yang mencintaiKu (yang agung), maka Aku akan mencintainya, dan barang siapa yang meminta kepadaKu, maka Aku akan memberinya, dan barang siapa yang memohon ampun kepadaKu, maka Aku akan mengampuninya dengan (sebab) kemulyaan bulan Ramadlan. Maka Allah Ta'ala memerintah kepada para malaikat pencatat 'amal supaya mencatat semua kebaikannya dan supaya tidak mencatat kesalahannya, dan Allah SWT melebur semua dosa-dosanya yang telah lalu". (Durrotun Nasihin: 7)

Khusus kepada ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW, Allah SWT memberikan 5 keutamaan yang tidak pernah diberikan kepada seorang ummat pun sebelum ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW.
  1. Pada permulaan bulan Ramadlan, Allah melihat ummat Nabi Muhammad dengan rahmat-Nya, dan barang siapa yang dilihat Allah dengan rahmat-Nya, maka Allah SWT tidak akan memberikan 'adzab kepadanya, setelahnya, selamanya.
  2. Allah SWT memerintah kepada para malaikat untuk memintakan ampun bagi ummat Nabi Muhammad SAW
  3. Bau mulut shoim (orang yang berpuasa) itu lebih harum, di hadapan Allah, ketimbang harumnya minyak misik
  4. Allah SWT berkata kepada surga "Pakailah perhiasan kalian (surga)", dan berkata (SWT) " Kebahagiaan adalah milik semua 'abdiKu yang beriman, mereka adalah kekasihKu".
  5. Allah SWT mengampuni semua ummat Nabi Muhammad, seluruhnya. (Durrotun Nasihin: 11)
Ya Allah, mudah-mudahan hambaMu ini diakui sebagai ummat Nabi Muhammad yang saya cintai. Amiin...

Sunday, July 26, 2009


diatas kasur lamunan,
di dalam kamar kosong,
dia bisikan cerita
pada tembok yang kian lembab,
pada cermin tua yang retak
tentang pergantian musim,
tentang pergantian matahari dan bulan,
tentang detik jarum jam
yang menghitung mundur ajalnya

hanya cicak yang menyapa,
hanya laba-laba yang menjaring tawa,
hanya nyanyian cengkerik yang menghapus tangis
sementara roqib dan ‘atid
tak pernah tertidur untuk mencatat semua ceritanya

Kasur Lamunan 260709

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Am I madly obsessed wid the anchors on Metro TV and TV One?

This is just the matter of the way I am. I never realized when it started to be this way. Anyway, I never mind to be who I used to be, am, and will be though.

I spend my time watching Metro TV and TV One. I switch those two channels alternately every several minutes. You may say people watch TV to get entertained, and consider them boring as they provide news all the time. Well, in some way I could agree; however, I enjoy watching them. Yes, I really do. It's the anchors. The anchors make me stand watching them. Somehow, they look and sound cool to me. I can't figure out what makes them so. All I know, like a lovey-dovey person, whatsoever they say and seem to be is such a pleasure. Some friends of mine said I was just obsessed with them. Maybe!!! BTW, what's a deal if I am? anything wrong with that?!

p.s. I'm starting to collect

Monday, July 13, 2009

Kapan Mentari Terbit

pincang kakinya terjerembat diatas kubangan lumpur di pasar siang itu. sambil bersanad
pada sebuah jongko reyot, bapak tersenyum pada bayangannya
sesekali ia menggaruk lengan kurusnya yang terbungkus kulit bertato—seperti batik
nampak sibuk ia mengusir lalat dengan lembaran rupiah hasil butiran leksotan yang baru saja
habis terjual. retak sudah keresahannya hari itu

di tepian nasib bapak berdiri. menyongsong risiko jeratan jeruji
atau bahkan sebutir timah panas
mengayuh jentera kehidupan yang semakin tersendat
menyebrangi jembatan di atas tebing

di rumah, ibu menanti dengan sebuah panci kosong. dalam segumpal harapan, merajut cemas
pada angkasa mendung. matanya jemu, menunggu bimbang di depan pintu
bertanya kapan mentari itu terbit

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Iklan satu putaran sangat tidak mendidik

Berbagai cara dilakukan oleh para Capres-Cawapres di Pilpres 2009 untuk meraup suara rakyat. Semua itu sah-sah saja asalkan tidak melanggar etika. Saya ingin mengomentari salah satu iklan kampanye yang mendengungkan "Pemilu Satu Putaran" untuk mendukung salah satu pasangan Capres-Cawapres tertentu.

Saya sangat setuju kalau Pilpres dilakukan dalam satu putaran saja dalam rangka penghematan. Tetapi, substansi sebuah demokrasi itu tidak bisa dibandingkan dengannilai rupiah. Saya khawatir, rakyat akan memilih pasangan Capres-Cawapres bukan karena visi dan misinya, melainkan karena ingin penghematan biaya. Inilah yang saya maksud dengan "Iklan satu putaran sangat tidak mendidik".

Para kandidat boleh saja beriklan, tetapi tentunya jangan MEMBODOHI RAKYAT hanya untuk KEKUASAAN semata. Dan kita, sebagai rakyat, jangan pernah mau DIBODOHI!

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Raja dan Pelayan

kau bilang dany sempurna
dia tegas
kau ingin dia menjadi rajamu
kau bilang irfan sempurna
dia pintar
kau ingin dia menjadi rajamu
kau bilang gani sempurna
dia rupawan
kau ingin dia menjadi rajamu
kau bilang amin sempurna
dia saleh
kau ingin dia menjadi rajamu
 tapi, sadarkah kau?
aku adalah pelayan setiamu

Kasur lamunan,

Maret, 2009

Dendang Asa

di tanah kerontang, aku berlayar. berpeluh derita, berdayung luka
mencintaimu adalah kesalahanku yang terindah. berjuta asa menjelma teman
akrab. yang selalu sabar. mendengarkan segala keluh. dari penjara batin
aku mendengar asa-asa itu berdendang,“berbahagialah! 
karena esok dia akan datang dan membuka lebar-lebar tangannya
untukmu, jika esok dia tidak datang, maka tunggulah
sampai lusa, dan jika lusa dia belum juga datang, tunggulah
sampai hari berikutnya, dan seterusnya…”

hanya layla yang bisa mendengar rintihan
majnun. aku memang telah menjadi majnun
sayang, kau belum juga menjadi layla

Kasur lamunan,
Maret 09

Lagi-lagi masalah rokok

Kalau rokok dapat menimbulkan berbagai macam penyakit seperti pada posting saya sebelumnnya, itu sih semua orang juga tahu. Tapi, tahukah kamu? Jumlah penduduk Indonesia yang merokok itu mencapai 70%. Sebagian dari mereka meninggal gara-gara rokok. Menurut Fahmi Idris, ketua IDI, dibutuhkan setidaknya Rp11 Triliyun untuk menangani penyakit yang disebabkan rokok setiap tahunnya. Mahal banget ya rokok! Mahal belinya, mahal juga akibatnya. Ironisnya, pemerintah hanya menganggarkan Rp10 Triliyun/tahun untuk semua penyakit. Kalau udah begini gimana donk?! Perlukah penanganan serious terhadap masalah rokok? Jawabannya tentu saja YA!

Tapi seperti yang dipaparkan oleh Cawapres Prabowo Soebianto, ada banyak hal yang harus dipertimbangkan dalam menangani masalah ini. Kita juga harus mempertimbangkan nasib petani tembakau yang jumlahnya jutaan, bukan industrinya yang hanya menyerap 1% saja tenga kerja Indonesia. Sungguh perbandingan yang tidak seimbang dengan angka 70% perokok yang jiwanya terancam. Ditambah lagi, industri rokok nasional kita dikuasai oleh asing. Kejam banget ya pengusaha-pengusaha asing itu, meraup keuntungan dengan cara merusak generasi bangsa ini.

Tentunya, ini masalah yang sangat dilematis. Di satu sisi, kita perlu mengurangi jumlah konsumsi tembakau nasional, tapi on the other hand, kita juga perlu memikirkan nasib petani tembakau. Kalau memang harus ada subtitusi bagi para petani tembakau, subtitusi dengan apa? Kontur tanah yang biasa ditanami tembakau memang berbeda, keras. Sehingga kita perlu memikirkan matang-matang subtitusi seperti apa nantinya.

Saya menambahkan sedikit lagi analisa. Selain Junk food, rokok adalah penguasa sponsorship terbesar di dunia, begitu pun di Indonesia. Sebagai contoh kompetisi tertinggi sepak bola di negeri kita disposnsori oleh perusahaan rokok. Tentunya ada banyak orang yang nempel hidup di kompetisi ini. Mulai dari pemain, pelatih, dan seluruh jajaran manajemen team, pihak media, baik cetak maupun elekronik termasuk para komentatornya, sampai ke para pedagang asongan di sekitar stasdion-stadion tempat dilangsungkannya pertandingan. Tentunya kita tidak ingin dong lahan kehidupan mereka terganggu karena kompetisi yang berhenti gara-gara pelarangan sponsorship oleh rokok sebagaimana yang banyak diwacanakan orang banyak dewasa ini.

Hmmm, ini tugas kita semua!

Wednesday, June 24, 2009


E.I.V adalah English Club, untuk saat ini, yang terakhir yang saya ikuti. Umur E.I.V masih terbilang sangat muda. Saya tak berani bicara banyak untuk menilai English Club yang satu ini. Terlebih karena saya termasuk salah satu orang yang memprakarsai lahirnya E.I.V. Saya tak mau mengembar-gemborkan E.I.V sebelum terlihat keberhasilannya nanti. Yang pasti E.I.V cocok untuk para beginner yang masih malu-malu dan masih gagap English.

Ada yang mau Join?
Silahkan hubungi saya, atau datang langsung ke:
Jl. Unisba VII, Komplek Unisba
Jati Handap-Cicaheum
CP: 085722066881


Kalu Ases,... mmhh gimana ya?!! hehee, saya ga mau panjang lebar ngomongin soal Ases. Yang pasti Ases adalah UKM di kampus saya yang kegiatan utamanya ngobrol pake bahasa Inggris a.k.a Conversation.


Kalau ada English Club yang paling berjasa dalam kehidupan saya, tentuya saya harus menyebut Access. Walau bagaimanapun, Access lah yang pertamakali meletakan pemahaman dasar tentang Bahasa Inggris. Dalam hal ini saya tidak menihilkan peran English Club lainnya yang saya ikuti. Semua juga memiliki andil yang signifikan dalam perkembangan berbahasa Inggris saya. Entah itu apakah The Center, Ases, ataupun E.I.V.

The Center

Saya hanya mau beterima kasih kepada The Center. Saya bergabung dengan The Center pada bulan Februari tahun 2008. English Club yang memiliki slogan Where English is More Than a Course ini benar-benar helpful bagi saya. Saya merasa bahwa semenjak saya bergabung dengan The Center, bahasa Inggris saya perkembangan yang luar biasa. I specially thank to Chris Henry and Blake Thomas 4 being my best Bule friends I've ever had and all bules coming to The Center.

Bagi kawan semua yang berada di Bandung dan ingin meningkatkan kemampuan berbahasa Inggrisnya, silahkan datang langsung ke The Center, Jalan Setiabudi No 26B Bandung, Indonesia

Ngedit Foto Tanpa Harus Make Photoshop, Corel, etc

Kabar gembira buat kamu yang ga bisa photoshop tapi pengen ngedit foto. Klik di sini lalu ikuti langkah-langkah di bawah ini
  1. pilih efect yang kamu mau
  2. klik chose file untuk memilih foto yang mau kamu edit
  3. Jadi deh, tinggal save
Selamat mencoba!!

Crazy On You

like the other sleepless nights I’ve spent
I’m not sleeping a wink tonight
and I got nothing to do, but go crazy on you

like the other sleepless nights I’ve spent
I am sitting up the whole night
and I don’t know what to do, but go crazy on you

do you know that
every single night here in my empty room
I’m wide awake wondering what’s in your dream?

do you know that
every single night here in my empty room
I’m wide awake questioning—do I stand a
chance of being there in your dream?
or is it only one-sided feeling?

baby, let me know whom that smile is for
give me just a little signal so I can guess
cuz I’m madly obsessed with you
cuz I’m madly in love with you

Antara Rokok, Susah dan Mudah

Akhir-akhir ini banyak sekali diantara orang-orang yang ku kenal masuk rumah sakit. Fauzan salah satunya. Gara-gara kebiasaan merokoknya, paru-parunya dipasangi alat seperti selang untuk membantu proses pernafasannya. Kalau sudah begitu, ngeri rasanya. Sebagai orang yang sama-sama perokok berat, ingin rasanya ku singkirkan jauh-jauh rokok-rokok itu dari kehidupanku. Tapi, masalah klasik yang dihadapi para perokok berat rupanya juga menjadi kendala bagiku. SUSAH! Ya kata itu. Hanya kata itu, perlukah aku membuka kamus untuk mencari antonym kata SUSAH. Kenapa tak ku temukan kata MUDAH?. Adakah aku yang memang kata SUSAH itu sendiri?

Tekadku ternyata lebih lemah dari hasratku.

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

A Journal of Novel an Online Dating Adventure with a Divine Ending

The novel an Online Dating Adventure with a divine ending written by a Vietnamese-American author, Thanh-Tam Le (fictionalized name) tells about the true story of the author. Tam, that’s how the author calls himself, is a 40 year-old divorced man. He had no serious date in the latest 7 years. One day he met a 28 year-old unmarried Vietnamese-American girl, Annie (fictionalized name), online. He thought she was cute. He let himself fall in love with her at the first sight and wanted to be in a serious relationship with her, even he’d never met her in person.

I could see that Tam enjoyed his chatting with Annie at first, but then time went by, I think he lost his mind and became unstable. He thought that the relationship he’s hoping wouldn’t work out. The age gap was really a big deal for him. He tried to give up chatting sometimes. He also emailed her to tell that he couldn’t continue their virtual friendship; however, Annie kept leading him on that he kept in touch with her. Day after day, Tam was getting more unstable and couldn’t prevent himself from falling deeper. Again, he sent her a farewell email; on the other hand, he didn’t want to give up his virtual dating with her. Then, he still wrote her email. This unstable manner of his may have made her tired of him. Since then, she did never show up or even reply his email. Tam kept emailing her some hoping she would reply, but she didn’t.

I think Tam was not really in love with her. Instead, he’s just obsessed with her. I’m the one of those who doesn’t believe love at the first sight. It was just too silly to me. How could he love a girl by only seeing a picture on the cyberspace? Or even if he’d met her in person, still I wouldn’t have believed love at the first sight.

I come to my conclusion that what Tam had been through was not really a love. He was just too excited when he met Annie after his being 7 year-single. Somehow, being single for such a long time was not good for him. And that may be the reason why he was so unstable.

Journal of Novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta

The novel Ayat-Ayat Cinta written by Habiburrahman El Shirazy tells about the story of an Indonesian Al Azhar student, Fahri. During his staying in Egypt, Fahri is involved in a complicated love with four different girls, a German girl named Aisha (later becomes his first wife), an Indonesian Al Azhar student named Nurul Azkiya, his Egyptian Copt[1] neighbor named Maria (later becomes his second wife), and his Egyptian Moslem neighbor, Noura. The four of those different girls are madly in love with him; however, ironically his ignorance about it is the main cause of lots of big troubles he has to face.

Thematically, we may classify this novel into a religious and romantic one. The love story is really touching and unimaginable. I’d never really imagine how happiness could immediately turns into terribly event. A joyful honeymoon changes into a dark prison. And many more of unpredictable events told in the plot.

Kang Abik, that’s how people call the author, softly and successfully infixes some Islamic values into the romantic plot. Fahri as the main character is the symbol who represents the message. He appears to be a perfect role model of what the Islamic teaching is meant to be. He shows us that Islamism can go hand in hand with any kinds of idealism. His harmonious fellowship with a Copt family, and his protective action to some Americans from the angry Egyptian’s disturbance on the sub way are the proofs. Again and again, through the plot, Kang Abik corrects the wrong assumption of the western—or even of the Moslem, themselves—about the position of women in Islam. He clearly clarifies how Islam actually treats women,—better than what they thought. How Islam rules polygamy is as not simple as it seems. And polygamy is not that bad. Polygamy is even better than cohabitation preferred by the western.

Kang Abik succeeded in creating a perfect character, Fahri, who should’ve been a perfect role model for the Moslem, and—or even—all people living in this world today. I, myself, even think this was pure purposely written-for-the sake of dakwah novel. The story of love was no more than packaging or marketing strategy.

Many times I read­—as many as I sobbed because of—this powerful, inspiring, encouraging, and amazing novel. I was in tears not because the story was touching, even the story really was, but because I took a pity on me, myself. As I read this novel, I was nothing but a sinful person who proudly dared to call himself a Moslem, and wasn’t a man enough yet to face the life.

Thank God for such a good man like Kang Abik.

I got thousands of lessons, including during the last time—hopefully it’s not for the last time—I read this novel for, respectfully and thankfully, Ibu Laela’s assignment.

[1] A member of the Coptic Church

Journal of Novel Layla Majnun

The novel Layla Majnun written by Syaikh Nizami, adopted into Bahasa Indonesia by Sholeh Gisymar tells about a love story of Layla and Qays. Qays was the only child of Seyd Omri, the leader of Kafilah bani Amir. And Layla was a daughter of the leader of Kafilah bani Qhatibiah. Once they met at school they studied, loved each other. Time went by; Qays had gone crazy on her. Wherever he was, he always mentioned Layla’s name. That’s why people called him Majnun[1]. It brought shame to Layla’s family that her father decided not to allow her to go to school anymore. Being away from Layla, Qays got crazier. Syed Omri felt so sad of him. He tried to propose him marriage to Layla’s father, but then it was turned down. He had been getting crazier on her day after day.

I don’t really think much of this novel. To me, it’s a boring novel of those ever read. The plot was too flat. Well, the love story was amazing, but the way Sholeh Gisymar described it may be the reason why I don’t really enjoy reading this novel. It might be only my subjective view anyway. I probably expected too much. I had heard about this novel several years ago before having it on hand. What people what said about this popular novel gave me a significant effect of how much I had expected how this novel was going to be.

There was only one main conflict told. That may be one of the reasons why I didn’t really enjoy reading the novel. The whole story was about the two tormented lovers—Layla and Qays—that was it. As a reader, I was only brought to one condition. Each page I turned and read just brought me to one imagination. The novel is usually considered to be interesting if only the reader is made questioning of how the story will go. However, when I read this novel I could guess the story would go, even I could predict how the main characters would be in the end of the story.

I come to my conclusion that I don’t really enjoy reading this novel. This was such a boring novel I have ever read.

[1] Majnun (Arabic) means crazy


Active is the active form of a verb whose subject is the performer of the action verb, such as kicked in the boy kicked the ball. See also Passive


Acronym is a kind of abbreviation. It’s formed by taking the first letters of several words, and pronounced like a word.

UNESCO from United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization


Article is usually omitted in acronyms



Accent is a particular way of speaking that can show the place the speakers come from, or their social class.

She speaks English with a strong German accent.


Adjective is any of a class of words that modifies a noun or other substantive, as by describing qualities of the entity denoted, stating its limits or quantity, or distinguishing it from the others.

The word beautiful in she is a beautiful woman.


Most adjectives go in two main places in a sentence, attributive position (before a noun) and predicative position (after a copular verb, as be, seem, appear, look, sound, smell, taste, feel, become, get)

E.g.: the word new in the following sentences:

- attributive position: The new student doesn’t know my name yet

- predicative position: She is a new student

Attributive adjective is possible to come after a noun it modifies in a few cases, as follows:

- in older English, as grand in He came from his palace grand

- in some fixed phrases, as the bold typed words in Secretary General, Poet Laureate, God Almighty, court martial, President elect, Attorney General

- in a relative clause, as available in he will buy all the tickets available (which are available)

- in an expression of measurement, as high in five meters high

When some adjectives come before a noun, they have to be put in a particular order.

a beautiful old brick house (not an old beautiful brick house)

It’s very rare to find a long list of adjectives, but it’s important that whatsoever adjectives are used be placed in the proper order.

Table 1 order of adjectives before the noun













Quality Character









Modified Noun












The beautiful big Spanish house

Adjective without nouns

a. The + Adjective

The old, the poor, the young, etc are adjectives used in the way without nouns they modify. In this way, adjectives are always plural. The old means the old people, the poor the poor people, the young the young people—not the old person or an old or the olds.

These expressions cannot be used without the, and with a possessive -‘s.

We can’t say the government is really concerned about poor, but the poor; the poor’s problems, but the poor people’s problem.

These expressions sometimes are used without the after quantifiers like more and many.

Many old stay at that retirement home.

b. The + Origin

Adjectives of nationality ending in –sh or –ch as Spanish, British, French, Dutch are used without nouns after the.

The Dutch occupied Indonesia for more than three hundreds years.

In this case, the Dutch means the Dutch people.

We can’t say a Dutch, but a Dutchman.